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Playwright Test

Playwright Test is a test runner specifically designed to accommodate the needs of browser-based end-to-end and component test automation using the Playwright web automation library. Playwright supports all modern rendering engines, including Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. It also enables test execution on Windows, Linux, and macOS, whether locally or in CI environments, in both headless and headed modes, with native mobile emulation for Google Chrome on Android and Mobile Safari.

Serenity/JS revolutionises automated testing by enabling teams to write expressive, maintainable tests that align with their unique domain. Seamlessly integrating with Playwright and Playwright Test, Serenity/JS also offers advanced reporting that provides clear insights into test results, aiding both technical teams and business stakeholders in assessing system quality.

Benefits of integrating Playwright Test with Serenity/JS:

In this guide, you will learn how to:

  • Install Playwright Test and its dependencies.
  • Add Serenity/JS integration and reporting modules to new or existing Playwright Test projects.
  • Configure test reports and generate living documentation.
  • Implement Playwright Test scenarios using Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern APIs and the Serenity/JS Playwright module.
Native Playwright Test HTML report, Playwright UI View, and Playwright Trace Viewer augmented with information from Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern APIs and screenshots automatically captured by the Serenity/JS Photographer

Quick start ๐Ÿš€โ€‹

To start testing immediately, consider using:

New to Serenity/JS? โฑ๏ธ Check out the tutorials!

See what Serenity/JS is capable of without installing anything on your machine - start with our 15-minute web testing tutorial!

To see Serenity/JS reporting in action, explore the live reports generated by the Serenity/JS Playwright Test Template:


To use Serenity/JS with Playwright Test, follow the Serenity/JS installation guide to set up your development environment and core runtime dependencies. Then, create a new Playwright Test project or add Serenity/JS integration and reporting modules to an existing project.

Initialising a Playwright Test projectโ€‹

If you already have a Playwright Test project, skip this step and proceed to installing Serenity/JS.

To create a new Playwright Test project, follow the Playwright Test installation instructions and run the following command:

npm init playwright@latest

Expected output (example):

Getting started with writing end-to-end tests with Playwright:
Initialising project in '.'
โœ” Do you want to use TypeScript or JavaScript? ยท TypeScript
โœ” Where to put your end-to-end tests? ยท tests
โœ” Add a GitHub Actions workflow? (y/N) ยท false
โœ” Install Playwright browsers (can be done manually via 'npx playwright install')? (Y/n) ยท true
TypeScript or JavaScript?

Using TypeScript improves code completion support in JetBrains IDEs and Visual Studio Code, reducing common coding errors.

Installing Serenity/JSโ€‹

To add Serenity/JS to a Playwright Test project, install the following modules:

npm install --save-dev @serenity-js/core @serenity-js/console-reporter @serenity-js/playwright @serenity-js/playwright-test @serenity-js/rest @serenity-js/web @serenity-js/serenity-bdd

This command installs:

To ensure that your version of Playwright Test is compatible with the latest version of Serenity/JS, check the Serenity/JS releases and compatibility page.


Playwright Test uses the playwright.config.ts file to configure test scenarios, workers, and reporters. Since Playwright runs tests in parallel across multiple Node.js processes, reporters must be configured separately from test scenarios in the configuration file.

This section provides a step-by-step guide to the complete configuration setup.

Integrating Serenity/JS reportingโ€‹

To integrate Serenity/JS reporting, modify the playwright.config.ts file as follows:

import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'
import type { SerenityOptions } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

export default defineConfig<SerenityOptions>({
reporter: [
// Serenity/JS reporting services
[ '@serenity-js/playwright-test', {
crew: [
[ '@serenity-js/serenity-bdd', {
specDirectory: './spec'
} ],
[ '@serenity-js/core:ArtifactArchiver', {
outputDirectory: './target/site/serenity'
} ],

// Any other native Playwright Test reporters
[ 'html', { open: 'never' } ],

// Other Playwright Test configuration options

This configuration enables the @serenity-js/playwright-test test runner adapter, which in turn configures the "stage crew" of Serenity/JS reporting services:

  • Console reporter - Displays test results in the terminal.
  • Serenity BDD reporter - Produces json reports to be ingested by the Serenity BDD CLI and produce the living documentation.
  • Artifact Archiver - Stores the json reports and screenshots captured by the Photographer to disk.

Note that the above configuration assumes the following directory structure of your project:

  • ./spec - stores your test scenarios and is the top-most directory of your requirements hierarchy.
  • ./target/site/serenity - stores any test report artifacts, like the .json files and screenshots.

If you'd like to use different locations for your tests or the test reports, adjust the specDirectory and outputDirectory settings accordingly.

Enabling automatic screenshotsโ€‹

Serenity/JS offers automatic screenshot capture for test scenarios using the Screenplay Pattern. This is handled by the Photographer service, which takes screenshots based on interactions and assertion failures performed by the Serenity/JS actors.

To enable automatic screenshot capture, add the @serenity-js/web:Photographer service to the crew array in the appropriate use section of your playwright.config.ts configuration file.

There are three available scopes for configuring the Photographer:

For example, to take screenshots only on assertion failures by default, but capture every interaction in the audit-trail test suite, configure your project as follows:

import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'
import type { SerenityOptions } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

export default defineConfig<SerenityOptions>({
reporter: [
// ...

// Global configuration for all test scenarios
use: {
crew: [
// Automatically take screenshots upon an assertion failure
['@serenity-js/web:Photographer', { strategy: 'TakePhotosOfFailures' }]
defaultActorName: 'Alice',

projects: [
// Per-project configuration, overrides the global defaults.
name: 'audit-trail',
testMatch: [
use: {
...devices['Desktop Chrome'],
crew: [
// Automatically take screenshots of every actor interaction
['@serenity-js/web:Photographer', { strategy: 'TakePhotosOfInteractions' }]
// Other projects

// Other Playwright Test configuration options

You also have the option to configure the Photographer for individual test files. To do that, add the test.use outside of any describe blocks.

import { describe, it, test } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

crew: [
[ '@serenity-js/web:Photographer', { strategy: 'TakePhotosOfInteractions' } ]

describe('Checkout', () => {

// test scenarios

Learn more about:

Writing testsโ€‹

Serenity/JS is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing Playwright Test codebase, even if you are not using the Screenplay Pattern yet. Additionally, the framework enables you to mix Screenplay and non-Screenplay scenarios within the same codebase, helping your team gradually adopt the pattern where appropriate.

In this section, you will learn how to write test scenarios using Playwright Test and Serenity/JS APIs and how to leverage actors to structure your test interactions.

Defining a test scenarioโ€‹

A typical Playwright Test scenario is defined using the test function imported from the @playwright/test module:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'

test('todo list lets a guest user record a new todo', async ({ page }) => {

await page.goto('');

await page.locator('.new-todo').fill('Read a book');
await page.locator('.new-todo').press('Enter');

await expect(page.locator('.view label')).toHaveText([ 'Read a book' ]);

To use Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern APIs and benefit from in-depth reporting capabilities, you need to import Serenity/JS test function instead of the default one:

- import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'
+ import { test, expect } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

test('todo list lets a guest user record a new todo', async ({ page }) => {

// ...
Migrating existing Playwright Test code base

When migrating an existing test codebase, a great first step is to use the "find and replace" feature of your IDE to replace any @playwright/test imports in your test scenarios with @serenity-js/playwright-test.

Grouping test scenariosโ€‹

Apart from the default test function, the @serenity-js/playwright-test module offers the more concise BDD-style syntax:

To make the most of Serenity BDD reporting capabilities, you should use a single outermost describe block to describe the component or feature being exercised by the scenarios in the test file. You can then use as many nested describe blocks as necessary to group related scenarios within the test file.

import { describe, it, expect } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

// Feature or component name (matching the file name, see below)
describe('Todo App', () => {

// One or more nested `describe` blocks grouping multiple scenarios by context
describe('Guest user', () => {

// Expected behaviour
it('should start with an empty todo list', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

it('should be able to record a new todo', async ({ page }) => {)
// ...

describe('Registered user', () => {

it('should start with the last todo list they used', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

// ...
Serenity BDD File naming conventions

To ensure Serenity BDD correctly associates test results with test files and generates feature coverage reports, you must:

  • Use one and only one outermost describe block per test file.
  • Ensure the outermost describe block name matches the test file name, e.g. 'Todo App' and todo_app.spec.ts.

Learn more about Serenity BDD best practices.

Using the Screenplay Pattern APIsโ€‹

The Screenplay Pattern is an innovative, user-centred approach to writing high-quality automated acceptance tests. It promotes effective use of layers of abstraction, helps your test scenarios reflect the business vernacular of your domain, and encourages good testing and software engineering practices within your team.

Serenity/JS provides Playwright Test fixtures that automatically inject one or multiple actors into your scenarios. Each actor is automatically equipped with a set of abilities that enable them to interact with the system under test using the Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern APIs. You can also create custom abilities and write your own implementations of Screenplay Pattern APIs to extend your actorsโ€™ capabilities.

To use the Screenplay Pattern APIs, import the relevant interactions and questions from the appropriate modules, and instruct your actors to perform them using the actor.attemptsTo method.

The most commonly used Screenplay Pattern APIs come from the following modules:

Writing single-actor scenariosโ€‹

If your test scenario requires a single actor, inject the default instance using the actor fixture:

import { describe, it, expect } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { Navigate, Text, PageElements, By } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'

import { TodoApp } from './screenplay/TodoApp'

describe('Todo App', () => {

describe('Guest user', () => {

it('should start with an empty todo list', async ({ page, actor }) => {

const recordedItems = () =>
Text.ofAll(PageElements.located(By.css('.todo-list li')))
.describedAs('displayed items');

await actor.attemptsTo(''),
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems().count(), equals(0)),
Default actor and page

The default actor fixture is linked with the default page fixture, allowing you to use the actor model in your existing Playwright Test scenarios, even alongside the regular Playwright Test APIs.

Reusing interactions with tasksโ€‹

One of the key benefits of using the Screenplay Pattern is that it allows you to use tasks to encapsulate and reuse sequences of interactions across multiple test scenarios. You can introduce tasks in-line in your test scenarios as you develop them, extract them into separate files, or organise them into classes to make your test scenarios more readable and maintainable.

Task composition

Tasks can be composed of other tasks, allowing you to build complex sequences of interactions from smaller, reusable building blocks.

In the example below, we've extracted the interactions with the To-do App into a separate TodoApp class, but you can organise them in any way that makes sense for your project. Check out the "Design" chapter of this Handbook for inspiration.

import { describe, it, beforeEach } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { Navigate } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'

import { TodoApp } from './screenplay/TodoApp'

describe('Todo App', () => {

describe('Guest user', () => {

beforeEach(async ({ actor }) => {
await actor.attemptsTo(}''),

it('should start with an empty todo list', async ({ actor }) => {

await actor.attemptsTo(
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems().count(), equals(0)),

it('should be able to record a new todo', async ({ actor }) => {

await actor.attemptsTo(
TodoApp.recordItem('Read a book')
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems(), equals([
'Read a book'

We've implemented the TodoApp class using private static methods to hide the implementation details of page elements and selectors used to identify interactive elements and public static methods to expose the tasks to the test scenarios.

import { PageElement, PageElements, By, Enter, Key, Press, Text } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { Task } from '@serenity-js/core'

class TodoApp {
private static newTodoInput = () =>
.describedAs('"What needs to be done?" input box');

private static items = () =>
PageElements.located(By.css('.todo-list li'))
.describedAs('displayed items');

static const recordItem = (name: string) =>
Task.where(`#actor records an item called ${ name }`,

static const recordedItems = () =>
.describedAs('displayed items');

To try this example out, check out the Serenity/JS Playwright Test Template on GitHub.

Changing the default actor nameโ€‹

You can change the name of the default actor by setting the defaultActorName configuration option in your playwright.config.ts file:

import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'
import type { SerenityOptions } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

export default defineConfig<SerenityOptions>({
// Global configuration for all test scenarios
use: {
defaultActorName: 'Alice',

projects: [
// Per-project configuration, overrides the global defaults.
name: 'chromium',
use: {
...devices['Desktop Chrome'],
defaultActorName: 'Alice',
// ...

You can also set it directly in your test file via test.use:

import { describe, it, beforeEach, test } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { Navigate } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'

import { TodoApp } from './screenplay/TodoApp'

describe('Todo App', () => {

describe('Guest user', () => {

defaultActorName: 'Guest',

beforeEach(async ({ actor }) => {
await actor.attemptsTo(}''),

it('should start with an empty todo list', async ({ actor }) => {

await actor.attemptsTo(
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems().count(), equals(0)),

Writing multi-actor scenariosโ€‹

The Screenplay Pattern is particularly useful when modelling interactions between multiple actors, each with their own responsibilities, and playing their role in the workflow. Examples include a buyer and a seller in an e-commerce scenario, a customer and a support agent in a customer service scenario, or a doctor and a patient in a healthcare scenario.

To inject multiple actors into your test scenario, use the actorCalled fixture:

import { describe, it, beforeEach } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { Navigate } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'

import { TodoApp } from './screenplay/TodoApp'

describe('Todo App', () => {

describe('Guest user', () => {

it('shares the list with other guests using the same browser', async ({ actorCalled }) => {

await actorCalled('Alice').attemptsTo(''),
TodoApp.recordItem('Read a book')
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems(), equals([
'Read a book'

// By default, Alice and Bob use the same browser session
// so Bob sees the same list as Alice

await actorCalled('Bob').attemptsTo(
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems(), equals([
'Read a book'
Multi-browser test scenarios

By default, all actors share the same browser session. To make them use independent browsers, see the Using multiple browsers section.

Modifying default abilitiesโ€‹

Each actor comes with a set of abilities that enable them to interact with the system under test. By default, these abilities include:

Overriding abilities

An actor can only have one instance of each ability type at a time. Therefore, providing a new instance of the same type via the actor.whoCan method overrides any existing ability of that type

Overriding abilities inlineโ€‹

You can override the default abilities inline or add custom abilities within a test scenario using the actor.whoCan method:

import { describe, it, beforeEach } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { TakeNotes, Notepad } from '@serenity-js/core'

describe('Todo App', () => {

describe('actor', () => {

it('can share notes with another actor', async ({ actorCalled, browser }) => {

const sharedNotepad = Notepad.empty()

await actorCalled('Alice')
// ...

await actorCalled('Bob')
// ...

Overriding abilities via test.useโ€‹

To avoid adding or overriding abilities inline, you can do so globally by overriding the actorCalled fixture via test.use:

import { describe, it, beforeEach, test } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { TakeNotes, Notepad } from '@serenity-js/core'

describe('Todo App', () => {

actorCalled: async ({ actorCalled }, use) => {
await use(actorName => actorCalled(actorName).whoCan(
// ...add or override the abilities

// ...

Overriding abilities via useFixturesโ€‹

You can override the actorCalled fixture globally using the useFixtures function. This function returns a test API, including functions such as describe, it, beforeEach, or test, which you can use instead of the default ones to define test scenarios.

import { useFixtures } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { TakeNotes, Notepad } from '@serenity-js/core'

export interface MyNotes {
testListId: string;

export const { describe, it, beforeEach, test } = useFixtures<{ notepad: Notepad<MyNotes> }>({
notepad: Notepad.with<MyNotes>({
testListId: process.env.TEST_LIST_ID,

actorCalled: async ({ actorCalled, notepad }, use) => {
await use(actorName => actorCalled(actorName).whoCan(
import { describe, it, beforeEach, test, type MyNotes } from './test-api.ts'
import { Navigate } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { notes, q } from '@serenity-js/core'

describe('Todo App', () => {

it('uses shared notes', async ({ actor }) => {
await actor.attemptsTo(`/lists/${ notes<MyNotes>().testListId }`),
// ...

// ...

Using multiple browsersโ€‹

By default, scenarios with multiple actors reuse the same underlying page instance to align with Playwright Test defaults. While this is useful for simulating multiple users interacting within the same browser session, it may not be appropriate for scenarios where different actors represent distinct users or roles. For instance, a doctor and a patient using a healthcare system would not share the same browser session or user interface.

To address this, use the actor.whoCan method to override the default ability to BrowseTheWebWithPlaywright. This allows actors who require a separate browser to have their own instance.

In this modified implementation below, Alice uses the default browser instance, associated with the page fixture, while Bob uses a separate browser instance launched using the browser fixture.

import { describe, it, beforeEach } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { BrowseTheWebWithPlaywright } from '@serenity-js/playwright'
import { Navigate } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'

import { TodoApp } from './screenplay/TodoApp'

describe('Todo App', () => {

describe('Guest user', () => {

it('does not share lists across browsers', async ({ actorCalled, browser }) => {

await actorCalled('Alice').attemptsTo(''),
TodoApp.recordItem('Read a book')
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems(), equals([
'Read a book'

await actorCalled('Bob')
Ensure.that(TodoApp.recordedItems(), equals([ ])),

If your scenario requires more actors using separate browser instances, you can override the default ability to BrowseTheWeb for each actor in the same way.

Sharing notes between actorsโ€‹

By default, each actor receives an ability to TakeNotes using their own notepad. To share notes between actors, you can introduce a notepad fixture and override the default actorCalled function to make the actors reuse the same notepad.

Overriding the actorCalled function allows you to customise the abilities of the actors created via the actorCalled fixture, as well as the default actor injected via the actor fixture.

import { useFixtures } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test';
import { Notepad, notes, TakeNotes } from '@serenity-js/core';

export interface SharedNotes {
items: string[];

export interface TestScopeFixtures {
notepad: Notepad<SharedNotes>

export const { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, test } = useFixtures<TestScopeFixtures>({

// Shared notepad instantiated before each test
notepad: async ({ }, use) => {

// Create an empty notepad to share between actors
const notepad = Notepad.empty<SharedNotes>()

// Alternatively, pre-populate the notepad with some data
// const notepad = Notepad.with<SharedNotes>({
// items: ['strawberries', 'bananas'],
// })

await use(notepad)

// Override the actorCalled fixture to use the shared notepad
actorCalled: async ({ actorCalled, notepad }, use) => {
await use(actorName => actorCalled(actorName).whoCan(

// The new TakeNotes ability overrides the default one

// ...add or override other abilities
import { notes } from '@serenity-js/core'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'
import { describe, it, SharedNotes } from './test-api'

describe('Todo App', () => {

describe('actor', () => {

it('can access a shared notepad', async ({ actor, actorCalled, browser }) => {

// default actor
await actor.attemptsTo(
notes<SharedNotes>().set('items', [

// additional actor, sharing the same notes
await actorCalled('Bobby').attemptsTo(

Replacing the default actorsโ€‹

For advanced Serenity/JS users, rather than modifying individual abilities, you can replace the default Cast of actors with a custom implementation.

For example, a custom cast can ensure each actor receives their own browser instance while sharing notes.

import { useFixtures } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'
import { TakeNotes, Notepad } from '@serenity-js/core'

export interface MyNotes {
testListId: string;

export const { describe, it, beforeEach, test } = useFixtures<{ notepad: Notepad<MyNotes> }>({
notepad: Notepad.with<MyNotes>({
testListId: process.env.TEST_LIST_ID,

actors: async ({ browser, contextOptions, notepad }, use) => {
const cast = Cast.where(actor => actor.whoCan(
BrowseTheWebWithPlaywright.using(browser, {
userAgent: `${ }`

await use(cast)

Overriding actors replaces the cast used to configure the actors instantiated via the actorCalled fixture, as well as the default actor injected via the actor fixture.


Serenity/JS provides comprehensive reporting capabilities and integrates with both the Serenity BDD reporter and the native Playwright Test reporting tools. The framework supports:

  • Playwright Test HTML Reports - Enhanced with Screenplay Pattern activity details and automatic screenshots.
  • Playwright Test UI Mode - Real-time test execution with Screenplay Pattern integration.
  • Playwright Trace Viewer - Detailed test execution traces, including Screenplay Pattern activities.
  • Serenity BDD Reports - Rich, business-focused living documentation of your system.

Serenity/JS supports both classic Playwright Test scenarios and those that follow the Screenplay Pattern, allowing you to migrate to Screenplay gradually if you wish, or mix and match the two implementations within the same codebase.

Reference Implementation

Playwright HTML reportsโ€‹

Serenity/JS automatically enhances the built-in Playwright HTML reports with information gathered from your Screenplay Pattern activities.

To enable integration with the Playwright HTML reporter, you need to:

  1. Use the Screenplay Pattern APIs in your Playwright Test scenarios.
  2. Configure the Playwright HTML reporter in your playwright.config.ts file.
import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'
import type { SerenityOptions } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

export default defineConfig<SerenityOptions>({
reporter: [
// Enable Serenity/JS reporting services
[ '@serenity-js/playwright-test', {
crew: [
[ '@serenity-js/serenity-bdd', {
specDirectory: './spec'
} ],
[ '@serenity-js/core:ArtifactArchiver', {
outputDirectory: './target/site/serenity'
} ],

// Enable Playwright Test HTML reporter
[ 'html', { open: 'never' } ],

// Other Playwright Test configuration options
Native Playwright Test HTML report, augmented with information from Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern activities and automated screenshots captured by the Serenity/JS Photographer (source)

Playwright Test UI Modeโ€‹

Serenity/JS integrates with Playwright Test UI Mode, displaying Screenplay Pattern activities in the test runner interface.

To use Playwright Test UI Mode, run the following command in your Playwright Test project:

npx playwright test --ui
Using Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern with Playwright Test UI Mode (source)

Using Playwright Test Trace Viewerโ€‹

Your Screenplay Pattern activities automatically appear in the Playwright Test Trace Viewer.

To use this feature, you need to:

  1. Use the Screenplay Pattern APIs in your Playwright Test scenarios.
  2. Enable tracing in your playwright.config.ts file.
import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'
import type { SerenityOptions } from '@serenity-js/playwright-test'

export default defineConfig<SerenityOptions>({
use: {
trace: 'on-first-retry', // or 'on', 'retain-on-failure'
Using Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern with Playwright Test Trace Viewer (source)

Serenity BDD Reportsโ€‹

Serenity reports and living documentation are a powerful feature enabled by Serenity BDD. They aim not only to report test results, but also to document how features are tested, and what your application does.

Serenity BDD reports are generated by the Serenity BDD CLI, a Java program that ships with the @serenity-js/serenity-bdd module. These reports are based on the json reports produced by the Serenity BDD Reporter, as well as screenshots captured by the Photographer.

Example Serenity BDD report (source)

To generate Serenity BDD HTML reports and living documentation, your test suite must:

  1. Use SerenityBDDReporter and ArtifactArchiver as per the configuration instructions.
  2. Invoke the serenity-bdd run command when the test run has finished to generate the Serenity BDD report.

All Serenity/JS Project Templates follow the same recommended pattern to generate Serenity BDD reports. This approach relies on:

  • NPM scripts to invoke the command-line tools, such as Playwright Test or the Serenity BDD CLI.
  • npm-failsafe to execute a sequence of NPM scripts.
  • rimraf to remove any test reports left over from the previous run.

You can install these additional recommended modules as follows:

npm install --save-dev npm-failsafe rimraf

Next, add the following convenience scripts to your package.json file:

  • clean - removes any test reports left over from the previous test run.
  • test - uses npm-failsafe to execute multiple NPM scripts and generate test reports.
  • test:execute - an example alias for playwright test. You can extend it to include any necessary command-line arguments.
  • test:report - an alias for serenity-bdd run. You can configure it with alternative json report locations (--source) and HTML report destinations (--destination). Run npx serenity-bdd run --help to see the available options.
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf target",
"test": "failsafe clean test:execute test:report",
"test:execute": "playwright test",
"test:report": "serenity-bdd run --source ./target/site/serenity --destination ./target/site/serenity",

To learn more about the SerenityBDDReporter, see:

Advanced usage - Chaining NPM scriptsโ€‹

A common advanced usage pattern for systems with multiple test suites is to execute each test suite separately on CI across multiple pipeline stages, while running them sequentially in a local environment. In both cases, a single Serenity BDD report is generated at the end. This pattern is particularly useful for systems with multiple Playwright Test projects or those that use both the Playwright Component Test runner and the Playwright Test runner.

Example CI pipeline running tests and build steps across multiple pipeline stages

To implement this pattern, define an NPM script for each project and the report generation step, then use npm-failsafe to chain the NPM scripts for local execution.

"scripts": {
"build": "esbuild src/app.tsx ...",
"test": "failsafe test:clean test:ct build test:e2e test:report",
"test:clean": "rimraf target",
"test:ct": "playwright test-ct --config playwright-ct.config.ts",
"test:e2e": "playwright test --config playwright.config.ts",
"test:report": "serenity-bdd run --source ./target/site/serenity --destination ./target/site/serenity",
Parameterized NPM scripts

npm-failsafe enables additional advanced usage and configuration patterns, such as passing runtime parameters to your NPM scripts. See the npm-failsafe documentation for examples.

Integration architectureโ€‹

To recap, Serenity/JS integrates with Playwright Test through the @serenity-js/playwright-test module, which acts as a test runner adapter and:

This modular architecture enables Serenity/JS to enhance both classic Playwright Test scenarios and those following the Screenplay Pattern with advanced reporting capabilities.

To enable this integration, you need to:

  1. Configure Serenity/JS test runner adapter and reporting services in your playwright.config.ts file
  2. Optionally, use the Serenity/JS test fixtures to enable Screenplay Pattern APIs in your Playwright Test scenarios
Serenity/JS + Playwright Test integration architecture

Next stepsโ€‹

Well done, your Playwright Test codebase is now integrated with Serenity/JS! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

To take things further, check out:

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