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Serenity/JS is an innovative open-source framework designed to make acceptance and regression testing of complex software systems faster, more collaborative and easier to scale.

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Serenity/JS WebdriverIO

@serenity-js/webdriverio module is a Screenplay Pattern-style adapter for WebdriverIO that will help you with testing Web and mobile apps.


To install this module, use an existing WebdriverIO project or generate a new one by running:

npm init wdio .

Install the below Serenity/JS modules in your WebdriverIO project directory:

npm install --save-dev @serenity-js/assertions @serenity-js/console-reporter @serenity-js/core @serenity-js/serenity-bdd @serenity-js/web @serenity-js/webdriverio

To learn more about Serenity/JS and how to use it on your project, follow the Serenity/JS Getting Started guide fpr WebdriverIO.

Usage with Cucumber.js

To use Serenity/JS WebdriverIO with Cucumber.js, install the following adapter:

npm install --save-dev @serenity-js/cucumber

Please note that Serenity/JS WebdriverIO / Cucumber integration supports both Serenity/JS reporting services and native Cucumber.js reporters.

Usage with Jasmine

To use Serenity/JS WebdriverIO with Jasmine, install the following adapter:

npm install --save-dev @serenity-js/jasmine

Usage with Mocha

To use Serenity/JS WebdriverIO with Mocha, install the following adapter:

npm install --save-dev @serenity-js/mocha

Configuring WebdriverIO

To integrate Serenity/JS with WebdriverIO, configure your wdio.conf.ts to specify framework: '@serenity-js/webdriverio'. You can configure Serenity/JS in the same file.

// wdio.conf.ts
import { WebdriverIOConfig } from '@serenity-js/webdriverio'

// Optional, import custom Actors if needed; More on this below.
import { Actors } from './serenity/Actors.ts'

export const config: WebdriverIOConfig = {

// Tell WebdriverIO to use Serenity/JS framework
framework: '@serenity-js/webdriverio',

// Serenity/JS configuration
serenity: {
// Configure Serenity/JS to use an appropriate test runner adapter
runner: 'cucumber',
// runner: 'mocha',
// runner: 'jasmine',

// Optional, register custom Cast to configure your Serenity/JS actors
actors: new Actors(``),

// Register Serenity/JS reporting services, a.k.a. the "stage crew"
crew: [
[ '@serenity-js/core:ArtifactArchiver', { outputDirectory: 'target/site/serenity' } ],
[ '@serenity-js/web:Photographer', {
strategy: 'TakePhotosOfFailures', // or: 'TakePhotosOfInteractions'
} ],

// configure Cucumber runner
cucumberOpts: {
// see the Cucumber configuration options below

// or Jasmine runner
jasmineOpts: {
// see the Jasmine configuration options below

// or Mocha runner
mochaOpts: {
// see the Mocha configuration options below

specs: [
// load Cucumber feature files
// or Mocha/Jasmine spec files
// './spec/**/*.spec.ts',

// add any additional native WebdriverIO reports
// reporters: [
// 'spec',
// ],

// ... other WebdriverIO-specific configuration

Learn more about:

Using custom Serenity/JS Actors

By default, Serenity/JS uses a default cast of actors where every actor can:

If you're planning to implement scenarios where actors have additional abilities, you can replace this default setup with a custom Cast, like this one:

// serenity/Actors.ts
import { Actor, Cast, TakeNotes } from '@serenity-js/core'
import { CallAnApi } from '@serenity-js/rest'
import { BrowseTheWebWithWebdriverIO } from '@serenity-js/webdriverio'
import type { Browser } from 'webdriverio'

export class Actors implements Cast {

// Inject custom parameters via constructor
constructor(private readonly apiUrl: string) {

prepare(actor: Actor): Actor {
// You can assign abilities based on actor name, env variables, and so on
switch ( {

case 'Apisitt':
return actor.whoCan(

return actor.whoCan(
BrowseTheWebWithWebdriverIO.using(browser), // global WDIO browser


Using Serenity/JS with WebdriverIO and Mocha

// specs/example.spec.ts
import { actorCalled } from '@serenity-js/core'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'
import { By, Navigate, PageElement, Text } from '@serenity-js/web'
import { BrowseTheWebWithWebdriverIO } from '@serenity-js/webdriverio'

// example Lean Page Object describing a widget we interact with in the test
class SerenityJSWebsite {
static header = () =>
PageElement.located(By.css('h1')) // selector to identify the interactable element
.describedAs('header') // description to be used in reports

describe('Serenity/JS', () => {

it('works with WebdriverIO and Mocha', async () => {
// actorCalled(name) instantiates or retrieves an existing actor identified by name
// Actors class configures the actors to use WebdriverIO
await actorCalled('Wendy')
equals('Enable collaborative test automation at any scale!')

To learn more, check out the example projects.

Template Repositories

The easiest way for you to start writing web-based acceptance tests using Serenity/JS, WebdriverIO and either Mocha, Cucumber or Jasmine is by using one of the below template repositories:

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default: { init: any }

WebdriverIO Framework Adapter integrates WebdriverIO with Serenity/JS

Type declaration

  • init: function
    • init(cid: string, config: WebdriverIOConfig, specs: string[], capabilities: RemoteCapability, reporter: EventEmitter<DefaultEventMap> & ProvidesWriteStream & InitialisesReporters): Promise<{ hasTests: () => boolean; run: () => Promise<number> }>

    • Parameters

      • externalcid: string
      • externalconfig: WebdriverIOConfig
      • externalspecs: string[]
      • externalcapabilities: RemoteCapability
      • externalreporter: EventEmitter<DefaultEventMap> & ProvidesWriteStream & InitialisesReporters

      Returns Promise<{ hasTests: () => boolean; run: () => Promise<number> }>

Page Options