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The HTTP POST method requests that the origin server accepts the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the resourceUri.

This means that the POST should be used when you want to create a child resource under a collection of resources.

POST request is neither safe, nor idempotent. This means that if you retry a POST request N times, a correctly implemented HTTP REST API will create N resources with N different URIs.

Add new resource to a collection

import { actorCalled } from '@serenity-js/core'
import { CallAnApi, LastResponse, PostRequest, Send } from '@serenity-js/rest'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'

await actorCalled('Apisitt')
isbn: '0-688-00230-7',
title: 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values',
author: 'Robert M. Pirsig',
Ensure.that(LastResponse.status(), equals(201)),
Ensure.that(LastResponse.header('Location'), equals('/books/0-688-00230-7')),

Submit an HTML form

import { actorCalled } from '@serenity-js/core'
import { CallAnApi, LastResponse, PostRequest, Send } from '@serenity-js/rest'
import { Ensure, equals } from '@serenity-js/assertions'
import { stringify } from 'querystring'

const formData = stringify({
email: `${ }`,
text: 'Your website is great! Learnt a lot :-)'

await actorCalled('Apisitt')
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': formData.length
Ensure.that(LastResponse.status(), equals(200)),
Ensure.that(LastResponse.header('Location'), equals('/feedback/thank-you.html')),

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  • Configures the object with a destination URI.

    When the resourceUri is not a fully qualified URL but a path, such as /products/2, it gets concatenated with the URL provided to the Axios instance when the ability to CallAnApi was instantiated.


    Returns PostRequest


  • Changes the description of this object, as returned by Describable.describedBy and Describable.toString.


    • externaldescription: Answerable<string> | MetaQuestion<AxiosRequestConfig<any>, Question<Promise<string>>>

      Replaces the current description according to the following rules:

      • If description is an Answerable, it replaces the current description
      • If description is a MetaQuestion, the current description is passed as context to description.of(context), and the result replaces the current description

    Returns this


  • as<O>(mapping: (answer: AxiosRequestConfig<any>) => O | Promise<O>): QuestionAdapter<O>
  • Maps this question to one of a different type.

    Question.about('number returned as string', actor => '42')   // returns: QuestionAdapter<string>
    .as(Number) // returns: QuestionAdapter<number>

    Type parameters

    • O


    • externalmapping: (answer: AxiosRequestConfig<any>) => O | Promise<O>

      Returns QuestionAdapter<O>


    • Resolves the description of this object in the context of the provided actor.


      Returns Promise<string>


    • toString(): string
    • Returns a human-readable description of this object.

      Returns string


    • @inheritDoc


      Returns Promise<AxiosRequestConfig<any>>


    • Configures the object with a request body.


      • externaldata: any

        Data to be sent to the resourceUri

      Returns PostRequest


    • using(config: Answerable<{ url?: Answerable<string>; method?: Answerable<string>; baseURL?: Answerable<string>; allowAbsoluteUrls?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; transformRequest?: {} | {}[]; transformResponse?: {} | {}[]; headers?: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | { Accept: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; Content-Length: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; User-Agent: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; Content-Encoding: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; Authorization: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; link: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; delete: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; get: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; head: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; options: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; post: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; put: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; patch: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; purge: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; unlink: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; common?: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; Content-Type?: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[] }; params?: any; paramsSerializer?: { visitor?: {}; dots?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; metaTokens?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; indexes?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; encode?: {}; serialize?: {} } | {}; data?: any; timeout?: Answerable<number>; timeoutErrorMessage?: Answerable<string>; withCredentials?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; adapter?: Answerable<string> | {} | Answerable<string> | {}[]; auth?: { username: Answerable<string>; password: Answerable<string> }; responseType?: Answerable<text> | Answerable<arraybuffer> | Answerable<blob> | Answerable<document> | Answerable<json> | Answerable<stream> | Answerable<formdata>; responseEncoding?: Answerable<string>; xsrfCookieName?: Answerable<string>; xsrfHeaderName?: Answerable<string>; onUploadProgress?: {}; onDownloadProgress?: {}; maxContentLength?: Answerable<number>; validateStatus?: {}; maxBodyLength?: Answerable<number>; maxRedirects?: Answerable<number>; maxRate?: Answerable<number> | [Answerable<number>, Answerable<number>]; beforeRedirect?: {}; socketPath?: Answerable<string>; transport?: any; httpAgent?: any; httpsAgent?: any; proxy?: Answerable<false> | { host: Answerable<string>; port: Answerable<number>; auth?: { username: Answerable<string>; password: Answerable<string> }; protocol?: Answerable<string> }; cancelToken?: { promise: Answerable<Cancel>; reason?: { message: Answerable<string> }; throwIfRequested: any }; decompress?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; transitional?: { silentJSONParsing?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; forcedJSONParsing?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; clarifyTimeoutError?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> }; signal?: { aborted: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; onabort?: {}; addEventListener?: {}; removeEventListener?: {} }; insecureHTTPParser?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; env?: { FormData?: {} }; formSerializer?: { visitor?: {}; dots?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; metaTokens?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; indexes?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> }; family?: Answerable<4> | Answerable<6>; lookup?: {} | {}; withXSRFToken?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | {}; fetchOptions?: {} }>): PostRequest
    • Overrides the default Axios request configuration provided when the ability to CallAnApi was instantiated.

      Learn more


      • externalconfig: Answerable<{ url?: Answerable<string>; method?: Answerable<string>; baseURL?: Answerable<string>; allowAbsoluteUrls?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; transformRequest?: {} | {}[]; transformResponse?: {} | {}[]; headers?: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | { Accept: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; Content-Length: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; User-Agent: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; Content-Encoding: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; Authorization: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[]; link: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; delete: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; get: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; head: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; options: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; post: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; put: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; patch: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; purge: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; unlink: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; common?: { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any }; Content-Type?: Answerable<string> | Answerable<number> | Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | { set: any; get: any; has: any; delete: any; clear: any; normalize: any; concat: any; toJSON: any; setContentType: any; getContentType: any; hasContentType: any; setContentLength: any; getContentLength: any; hasContentLength: any; setAccept: any; getAccept: any; hasAccept: any; setUserAgent: any; getUserAgent: any; hasUserAgent: any; setContentEncoding: any; getContentEncoding: any; hasContentEncoding: any; setAuthorization: any; getAuthorization: any; hasAuthorization: any; [iterator]: any } | Answerable<string>[] }; params?: any; paramsSerializer?: { visitor?: {}; dots?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; metaTokens?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; indexes?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; encode?: {}; serialize?: {} } | {}; data?: any; timeout?: Answerable<number>; timeoutErrorMessage?: Answerable<string>; withCredentials?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; adapter?: Answerable<string> | {} | Answerable<string> | {}[]; auth?: { username: Answerable<string>; password: Answerable<string> }; responseType?: Answerable<text> | Answerable<arraybuffer> | Answerable<blob> | Answerable<document> | Answerable<json> | Answerable<stream> | Answerable<formdata>; responseEncoding?: Answerable<string>; xsrfCookieName?: Answerable<string>; xsrfHeaderName?: Answerable<string>; onUploadProgress?: {}; onDownloadProgress?: {}; maxContentLength?: Answerable<number>; validateStatus?: {}; maxBodyLength?: Answerable<number>; maxRedirects?: Answerable<number>; maxRate?: Answerable<number> | [Answerable<number>, Answerable<number>]; beforeRedirect?: {}; socketPath?: Answerable<string>; transport?: any; httpAgent?: any; httpsAgent?: any; proxy?: Answerable<false> | { host: Answerable<string>; port: Answerable<number>; auth?: { username: Answerable<string>; password: Answerable<string> }; protocol?: Answerable<string> }; cancelToken?: { promise: Answerable<Cancel>; reason?: { message: Answerable<string> }; throwIfRequested: any }; decompress?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; transitional?: { silentJSONParsing?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; forcedJSONParsing?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; clarifyTimeoutError?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> }; signal?: { aborted: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; onabort?: {}; addEventListener?: {}; removeEventListener?: {} }; insecureHTTPParser?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; env?: { FormData?: {} }; formSerializer?: { visitor?: {}; dots?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; metaTokens?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true>; indexes?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> }; family?: Answerable<4> | Answerable<6>; lookup?: {} | {}; withXSRFToken?: Answerable<false> | Answerable<true> | {}; fetchOptions?: {} }>

        Axios request configuration overrides

      Returns PostRequest