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  • test(title: string, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
  • test(title: string, details: TestDetails, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void

  • Declares a single test scenario. Alias for it.


    • externaltitle: string
    • externalbody: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

    Returns void




describe: { only: any; skip: any; fixme: any; serial: { only: any }; parallel: { only: any }; configure: (options: { mode?: default | parallel | serial; retries?: number; timeout?: number }) => void }

Declares a group of tests.

  • test.describe(title, callback)
  • test.describe(callback)
  • test.describe(title, details, callback)


You can declare a group of tests with a title. The title will be visible in the test report as a part of each test's title.

test.describe('two tests', () => {
test('one', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

test('two', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

Anonymous group

You can also declare a test group without a title. This is convenient to give a group of tests a common option with test.use(options).

test.describe(() => {
test.use({ colorScheme: 'dark' });

test('one', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

test('two', async ({ page }) => {
// ...


You can tag all tests in a group by providing additional details. Note that each tag must start with @ symbol.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test.describe('two tagged tests', {
tag: '@smoke',
}, () => {
test('one', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

test('two', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

Learn more about tagging.


You can annotate all tests in a group by providing additional details.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test.describe('two annotated tests', {
annotation: {
type: 'issue',
description: '',
}, () => {
test('one', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

test('two', async ({ page }) => {
// ...

Learn more about test annotations.

Type declaration

    • (title: string, callback: () => void): void
    • (callback: () => void): void
    • (title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void
    • Parameters

      • externaltitle: string

        Group title.

      • externalcallback: () => void

        A callback that is run immediately when calling test.describe([title, details, callback]). Any tests declared in this callback will belong to the group.

        Returns void

      • Parameters

        Returns void

      • Parameters

        • externaltitle: string

          Group title.

        • externaldetails: TestDetails

          Additional details for all tests in the group.

        • externalcallback: () => void

          A callback that is run immediately when calling test.describe([title, details, callback]). Any tests declared in this callback will belong to the group.

          Returns void

      • only: function
        • only(title: string, callback: () => void): void
        • only(callback: () => void): void
        • only(title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void

        • Declares a focused group of tests. If there are some focused tests or suites, all of them will be run but nothing else.

          • test.describe.only(title, callback)
          • test.describe.only(callback)
          • test.describe.only(title, details, callback)


          test.describe.only('focused group', () => {
          test('in the focused group', async ({ page }) => {
          // This test will run
          test('not in the focused group', async ({ page }) => {
          // This test will not run

          You can also omit the title.

          test.describe.only(() => {
          // ...


          Returns void

      • skip: function
        • skip(title: string, callback: () => void): void
        • skip(callback: () => void): void
        • skip(title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void

        • Declares a skipped test group, similarly to test.describe([title, details, callback]). Tests in the skipped group are never run.

          • test.describe.skip(title, callback)
          • test.describe.skip(title)
          • test.describe.skip(title, details, callback)


          test.describe.skip('skipped group', () => {
          test('example', async ({ page }) => {
          // This test will not run

          You can also omit the title.

          test.describe.skip(() => {
          // ...


          • externaltitle: string

            Group title.

          • externalcallback: () => void

            A callback that is run immediately when calling test.describe.skip(title[, details, callback]). Any tests added in this callback will belong to the group, and will not be run.

            Returns void

        • fixme: function
          • fixme(title: string, callback: () => void): void
          • fixme(callback: () => void): void
          • fixme(title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void

          • Declares a test group similarly to test.describe([title, details, callback]). Tests in this group are marked as "fixme" and will not be executed.

            • test.describe.fixme(title, callback)
            • test.describe.fixme(callback)
            • test.describe.fixme(title, details, callback)


            test.describe.fixme('broken tests that should be fixed', () => {
            test('example', async ({ page }) => {
            // This test will not run

            You can also omit the title.

            test.describe.fixme(() => {
            // ...


            • externaltitle: string

              Group title.

            • externalcallback: () => void

              A callback that is run immediately when calling test.describe.fixme([title, details, callback]). Any tests added in this callback will belong to the group, and will not be run.

              Returns void

          • externalserial: { only: any }

            NOTE See test.describe.configure([options]) for the preferred way of configuring the execution mode.

            Declares a group of tests that should always be run serially. If one of the tests fails, all subsequent tests are skipped. All tests in a group are retried together.

            NOTE Using serial is not recommended. It is usually better to make your tests isolated, so they can be run independently.

            • test.describe.serial(title, callback)
            • test.describe.serial(title)
            • test.describe.serial(title, details, callback)


            test.describe.serial('group', () => {
            test('runs first', async ({ page }) => {});
            test('runs second', async ({ page }) => {});

            You can also omit the title.

            test.describe.serial(() => {
            // ...
              • (title: string, callback: () => void): void
              • (callback: () => void): void
              • (title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void
            • only: function
              • only(title: string, callback: () => void): void
              • only(callback: () => void): void
              • only(title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void

              • NOTE See test.describe.configure([options]) for the preferred way of configuring the execution mode.

                Declares a focused group of tests that should always be run serially. If one of the tests fails, all subsequent tests are skipped. All tests in a group are retried together. If there are some focused tests or suites, all of them will be run but nothing else.

                NOTE Using serial is not recommended. It is usually better to make your tests isolated, so they can be run independently.

                • test.describe.serial.only(title, callback)
                • test.describe.serial.only(title)
                • test.describe.serial.only(title, details, callback)


                test.describe.serial.only('group', () => {
                test('runs first', async ({ page }) => {
                test('runs second', async ({ page }) => {

                You can also omit the title.

                test.describe.serial.only(() => {
                // ...


                Returns void

          • externalparallel: { only: any }

            NOTE See test.describe.configure([options]) for the preferred way of configuring the execution mode.

            Declares a group of tests that could be run in parallel. By default, tests in a single test file run one after another, but using test.describe.parallel([title, details, callback]) allows them to run in parallel.

            • test.describe.parallel(title, callback)
            • test.describe.parallel(callback)
            • test.describe.parallel(title, details, callback)


            test.describe.parallel('group', () => {
            test('runs in parallel 1', async ({ page }) => {});
            test('runs in parallel 2', async ({ page }) => {});

            Note that parallel tests are executed in separate processes and cannot share any state or global variables. Each of the parallel tests executes all relevant hooks.

            You can also omit the title.

            test.describe.parallel(() => {
            // ...
              • (title: string, callback: () => void): void
              • (callback: () => void): void
              • (title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void
            • only: function
              • only(title: string, callback: () => void): void
              • only(callback: () => void): void
              • only(title: string, details: TestDetails, callback: () => void): void

              • NOTE See test.describe.configure([options]) for the preferred way of configuring the execution mode.

                Declares a focused group of tests that could be run in parallel. This is similar to test.describe.parallel([title, details, callback]), but focuses the group. If there are some focused tests or suites, all of them will be run but nothing else.

                • test.describe.parallel.only(title, callback)
                • test.describe.parallel.only(callback)
                • test.describe.parallel.only(title, details, callback)


                test.describe.parallel.only('group', () => {
                test('runs in parallel 1', async ({ page }) => {});
                test('runs in parallel 2', async ({ page }) => {});

                You can also omit the title.

                test.describe.parallel.only(() => {
                // ...


                Returns void

          • externalconfigure: (options: { mode?: default | parallel | serial; retries?: number; timeout?: number }) => void

            Configures the enclosing scope. Can be executed either on the top level or inside a describe. Configuration applies to the entire scope, regardless of whether it run before or after the test declaration.

            Learn more about the execution modes here.


            • Running tests in parallel.
              // Run all the tests in the file concurrently using parallel workers.
              test.describe.configure({ mode: 'parallel' });
              test('runs in parallel 1', async ({ page }) => {});
              test('runs in parallel 2', async ({ page }) => {});
            • Running tests serially, retrying from the start. NOTE Running serially is not recommended. It is usually better to make your tests isolated, so they can be run independently.
              // Annotate tests as inter-dependent.
              test.describe.configure({ mode: 'serial' });
              test('runs first', async ({ page }) => {});
              test('runs second', async ({ page }) => {});
            • Configuring retries and timeout for each test.
              // Each test in the file will be retried twice and have a timeout of 20 seconds.
              test.describe.configure({ retries: 2, timeout: 20_000 });
              test('runs first', async ({ page }) => {});
              test('runs second', async ({ page }) => {});
            • Run multiple describes in parallel, but tests inside each describe in order.
              test.describe.configure({ mode: 'parallel' });

              test.describe('A, runs in parallel with B', () => {
              test.describe.configure({ mode: 'default' });
              test('in order A1', async ({ page }) => {});
              test('in order A2', async ({ page }) => {});

              test.describe('B, runs in parallel with A', () => {
              test.describe.configure({ mode: 'default' });
              test('in order B1', async ({ page }) => {});
              test('in order B2', async ({ page }) => {});
              • (options: { mode?: default | parallel | serial; retries?: number; timeout?: number }): void
              • Parameters

                • externaloptions: { mode?: default | parallel | serial; retries?: number; timeout?: number }
                  • externaloptionalmode: default | parallel | serial
                  • externaloptionalretries: number
                  • externaloptionaltimeout: number

                Returns void


          fail: { only: any }

          Marks a test as "should fail". Playwright runs this test and ensures that it is actually failing. This is useful for documentation purposes to acknowledge that some functionality is broken until it is fixed.

          To declare a "failing" test:

          •, body)
          •, details, body)

          To annotate test as "failing" at runtime:

          •, description)
          •, description)


          You can declare a test as failing, so that Playwright ensures it actually fails.

          import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

'not yet ready', async ({ page }) => {
          // ...

          If your test fails in some configurations, but not all, you can mark the test as failing inside the test body based on some condition. We recommend passing a description argument in this case.

          import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

          test('fail in WebKit', async ({ page, browserName }) => {
 === 'webkit', 'This feature is not implemented for Mac yet');
          // ...

          You can mark all tests in a file or test.describe([title, details, callback]) group as "should fail" based on some condition with a single, description) call.

          import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

{ browserName }) => browserName === 'webkit', 'not implemented yet');

          test('fail in WebKit 1', async ({ page }) => {
          // ...
          test('fail in WebKit 2', async ({ page }) => {
          // ...

          You can also call without arguments inside the test body to always mark the test as failed. We recommend declaring a failing test with, body) instead.

          import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

          test('less readable', async ({ page }) => {
          // ...

          Type declaration

            • (title: string, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
            • (title: string, details: TestDetails, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
            • (condition: boolean, description?: string): void
            • (callback: ConditionBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>, description?: string): void
            • (): void
            • Parameters

              • externaltitle: string

                Test title.

              • externalbody: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                Test body that takes one or two arguments: an object with fixtures and optional TestInfo.

              Returns void

            • Parameters

              • externaltitle: string

                Test title.

              • externaldetails: TestDetails

                See test.(call)(title[, details, body]) for test details description.

              • externalbody: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                Test body that takes one or two arguments: an object with fixtures and optional TestInfo.

              Returns void

            • Parameters

              • externalcondition: boolean

                Test is marked as "should fail" when the condition is true.

              • externaloptionaldescription: string

                Optional description that will be reflected in a test report.

              Returns void

            • Parameters

              • externalcallback: ConditionBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                A function that returns whether to mark as "should fail", based on test fixtures. Test or tests are marked as "should fail" when the return value is true.

              • externaloptionaldescription: string

                Optional description that will be reflected in a test report.

              Returns void

            • Returns void

          • only: function
            • only(title: string, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
            • only(title: string, details: TestDetails, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void

            • You can use to focus on a specific test that is expected to fail. This is particularly useful when debugging a failing test or working on a specific issue.

              To declare a focused "failing" test:

              •, body)
              •, details, body)


              You can declare a focused failing test, so that Playwright runs only this test and ensures it actually fails.

              import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

    'focused failing test', async ({ page }) => {
              // This test is expected to fail
              test('not in the focused group', async ({ page }) => {
              // This test will not run


              • externaltitle: string

                Test title.

              • externalbody: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                Test body that takes one or two arguments: an object with fixtures and optional TestInfo.

              Returns void


          step: { skip: any }

          Declares a test step that is shown in the report.


          import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

          test('test', async ({ page }) => {
          await test.step('Log in', async () => {
          // ...

          await test.step('Outer step', async () => {
          // ...
          // You can nest steps inside each other.
          await test.step('Inner step', async () => {
          // ...


          The method returns the value returned by the step callback.

          import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

          test('test', async ({ page }) => {
          const user = await test.step('Log in', async () => {
          // ...
          return 'john';


          You can use TypeScript method decorators to turn a method into a step. Each call to the decorated method will show up as a step in the report.

          function step(target: Function, context: ClassMethodDecoratorContext) {
          return function replacementMethod(...args: any) {
          const name = + '.' + ( as string);
          return test.step(name, async () => {
          return await, ...args);

          class LoginPage {
          constructor(readonly page: Page) {}

          async login() {
          const account = { username: 'Alice', password: 's3cr3t' };
          await'Username or email address').fill(account.username);
          await'button', { name: 'Sign in' }).click();
          await expect('button', { name: 'View profile and more' })).toBeVisible();

          test('example', async ({ page }) => {
          const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
          await loginPage.login();


          When something inside a step fails, you would usually see the error pointing to the exact action that failed. For example, consider the following login step:

          async function login(page) {
          await test.step('login', async () => {
          const account = { username: 'Alice', password: 's3cr3t' };
          await page.getByLabel('Username or email address').fill(account.username);
          await page.getByLabel('Password').fill(account.password);
          await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign in' }).click();
          await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: 'View profile and more' })).toBeVisible();

          test('example', async ({ page }) => {
          await page.goto('');
          await login(page);
          Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
          ... error details omitted ...

          8 | await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign in' }).click();
          > 9 | await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: 'View profile and more' })).toBeVisible();
          | ^
          10 | });

          As we see above, the test may fail with an error pointing inside the step. If you would like the error to highlight the "login" step instead of its internals, use the box option. An error inside a boxed step points to the step call site.

          async function login(page) {
          await test.step('login', async () => {
          // ...
          }, { box: true }); // Note the "box" option here.
          Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
          ... error details omitted ...

          14 | await page.goto('');
          > 15 | await login(page);
          | ^
          16 | });

          You can also create a TypeScript decorator for a boxed step, similar to a regular step decorator above:

          function boxedStep(target: Function, context: ClassMethodDecoratorContext) {
          return function replacementMethod(...args: any) {
          const name = + '.' + ( as string);
          return test.step(name, async () => {
          return await, ...args);
          }, { box: true }); // Note the "box" option here.

          class LoginPage {
          constructor(readonly page: Page) {}

          async login() {
          // ....

          test('example', async ({ page }) => {
          const loginPage = new LoginPage(page);
          await loginPage.login(); // <-- Error will be reported on this line.

          Type declaration

            • <T>(title: string, body: () => T | Promise<T>, options?: { box?: boolean; location?: Location; timeout?: number }): Promise<T>
            • Type parameters

              • T


              • externaltitle: string

                Step name.

              • externalbody: () => T | Promise<T>

                Step body.

                • externaloptionaloptions: { box?: boolean; location?: Location; timeout?: number }
                  • externaloptionalbox: boolean
                  • externaloptionallocation: Location
                  • externaloptionaltimeout: number

                Returns Promise<T>

            • skip: function
              • skip(title: string, body: () => any, options?: { box?: boolean; location?: Location; timeout?: number }): Promise<void>

              • Mark a test step as "skip" to temporarily disable its execution, useful for steps that are currently failing and planned for a near-term fix. Playwright will not run the step.


                You can declare a skipped step, and Playwright will not run it.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test('my test', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...
                await test.step.skip('not yet ready', async () => {
                // ...


                • externaltitle: string

                  Step name.

                • externalbody: () => any

                  Step body.

                  • externaloptionaloptions: { box?: boolean; location?: Location; timeout?: number }
                    • externaloptionalbox: boolean
                    • externaloptionallocation: Location
                    • externaloptionaltimeout: number

                  Returns Promise<void>


              expect: Expect<{}>

              expect function can be used to create test assertions. Read more about test assertions.


              test('example', async ({ page }) => {
              await test.expect(page).toHaveTitle('Title');



              • only(title: string, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
              • only(title: string, details: TestDetails, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
              • Declares a focused test. If there are some focused tests or suites, all of them will be run but nothing else.

                • test.only(title, body)
                • test.only(title, details, body)


                test.only('focus this test', async ({ page }) => {
                // Run only focused tests in the entire project.


                • externaltitle: string

                  Test title.

                • externalbody: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                  Test body that takes one or two arguments: an object with fixtures and optional TestInfo.

                Returns void


              • skip(title: string, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
              • skip(title: string, details: TestDetails, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
              • skip(): void
              • skip(condition: boolean, description?: string): void
              • skip(callback: ConditionBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>, description?: string): void
              • Skip a test. Playwright will not run the test past the test.skip() call.

                Skipped tests are not supposed to be ever run. If you intent to fix the test, use test.fixme([title, details, body, condition, callback, description]) instead.

                To declare a skipped test:

                • test.skip(title, body)
                • test.skip(title, details, body)

                To skip a test at runtime:

                • test.skip(condition, description)
                • test.skip(callback, description)
                • test.skip()


                You can declare a skipped test, and Playwright will not run it.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test.skip('never run', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...

                If your test should be skipped in some configurations, but not all, you can skip the test inside the test body based on some condition. We recommend passing a description argument in this case. Playwright will run the test, but abort it immediately after the test.skip call.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test('Safari-only test', async ({ page, browserName }) => {
                test.skip(browserName !== 'webkit', 'This feature is Safari-only');
                // ...

                You can skip all tests in a file or test.describe([title, details, callback]) group based on some condition with a single test.skip(callback, description) call.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test.skip(({ browserName }) => browserName !== 'webkit', 'Safari-only');

                test('Safari-only test 1', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...
                test('Safari-only test 2', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...

                You can also call test.skip() without arguments inside the test body to always mark the test as failed. We recommend using test.skip(title, body) instead.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test('less readable', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...


                • externaltitle: string

                  Test title.

                • externalbody: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                  Test body that takes one or two arguments: an object with fixtures and optional TestInfo.

                Returns void


              • fixme(title: string, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
              • fixme(title: string, details: TestDetails, body: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
              • fixme(): void
              • fixme(condition: boolean, description?: string): void
              • fixme(callback: ConditionBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>, description?: string): void
              • Mark a test as "fixme", with the intention to fix it. Playwright will not run the test past the test.fixme() call.

                To declare a "fixme" test:

                • test.fixme(title, body)
                • test.fixme(title, details, body)

                To annotate test as "fixme" at runtime:

                • test.fixme(condition, description)
                • test.fixme(callback, description)
                • test.fixme()


                You can declare a test as to be fixed, and Playwright will not run it.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test.fixme('to be fixed', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...

                If your test should be fixed in some configurations, but not all, you can mark the test as "fixme" inside the test body based on some condition. We recommend passing a description argument in this case. Playwright will run the test, but abort it immediately after the test.fixme call.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test('to be fixed in Safari', async ({ page, browserName }) => {
                test.fixme(browserName === 'webkit', 'This feature breaks in Safari for some reason');
                // ...

                You can mark all tests in a file or test.describe([title, details, callback]) group as "fixme" based on some condition with a single test.fixme(callback, description) call.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test.fixme(({ browserName }) => browserName === 'webkit', 'Should figure out the issue');

                test('to be fixed in Safari 1', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...
                test('to be fixed in Safari 2', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...

                You can also call test.fixme() without arguments inside the test body to always mark the test as failed. We recommend using test.fixme(title, body) instead.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test('less readable', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...


                • externaltitle: string

                  Test title.

                • externalbody: TestBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                  Test body that takes one or two arguments: an object with fixtures and optional TestInfo.

                Returns void


              • slow(): void
              • slow(condition: boolean, description?: string): void
              • slow(callback: ConditionBody<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>, description?: string): void
              • Marks a test as "slow". Slow test will be given triple the default timeout.

                Note that test.slow([condition, callback, description]) cannot be used in a beforeAll or afterAll hook. Use test.setTimeout(timeout) instead.

                • test.slow()
                • test.slow(condition, description)
                • test.slow(callback, description)


                You can mark a test as slow by calling test.slow() inside the test body.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test('slow test', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...

                If your test is slow in some configurations, but not all, you can mark it as slow based on a condition. We recommend passing a description argument in this case.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test('slow in Safari', async ({ page, browserName }) => {
                test.slow(browserName === 'webkit', 'This feature is slow in Safari');
                // ...

                You can mark all tests in a file or test.describe([title, details, callback]) group as "slow" based on some condition by passing a callback.

                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test.slow(({ browserName }) => browserName === 'webkit', 'all tests are slow in Safari');

                test('slow in Safari 1', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...
                test('fail in Safari 2', async ({ page }) => {
                // ...

                Returns void


              • setTimeout(timeout: number): void
              • Changes the timeout for the test. Zero means no timeout. Learn more about various timeouts.

                Timeout for the currently running test is available through testInfo.timeout.


                • Changing test timeout.
                  test('very slow test', async ({ page }) => {
                  // ...
                • Changing timeout from a slow beforeEach hook. Note that this affects the test timeout that is shared with beforeEach hooks.
                  test.beforeEach(async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
                  // Extend timeout for all tests running this hook by 30 seconds.
                  test.setTimeout(testInfo.timeout + 30000);
                • Changing timeout for a beforeAll or afterAll hook. Note this affects the hook's timeout, not the test timeout.
                  test.beforeAll(async () => {
                  // Set timeout for this hook.
                • Changing timeout for all tests in a test.describe([title, details, callback]) group.
                  test.describe('group', () => {
                  // Applies to all tests in this group.
                  test.describe.configure({ timeout: 60000 });

                  test('test one', async () => { /* ... */ });
                  test('test two', async () => { /* ... */ });
                  test('test three', async () => { /* ... */ });


                • externaltimeout: number

                  Timeout in milliseconds.

                Returns void


              • beforeEach(inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
              • beforeEach(title: string, inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
              • Declares a beforeEach hook that is executed before each test.

                When called in the scope of a test file, runs before each test in the file. When called inside a test.describe([title, details, callback]) group, runs before each test in the group.

                You can access all the same Fixtures as the test body itself, and also the TestInfo object that gives a lot of useful information. For example, you can navigate the page before starting the test.

                You can use test.afterEach([title, hookFunction]) to teardown any resources set up in beforeEach.

                • test.beforeEach(hookFunction)
                • test.beforeEach(title, hookFunction)


                When multiple beforeEach hooks are added, they will run in the order of their registration.

                Playwright will continue running all applicable hooks even if some of them have failed.


                // example.spec.ts
                import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
                console.log(`Running ${}`);
                await page.goto('https://my.start.url/');

                test('my test', async ({ page }) => {

                Alternatively, you can declare a hook with a title.

                // example.spec.ts
                test.beforeEach('Open start URL', async ({ page }) => {
                console.log(`Running ${}`);
                await page.goto('https://my.start.url/');


                • externalinner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any

                  Returns void


                • afterEach(inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
                • afterEach(title: string, inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
                • Declares an afterEach hook that is executed after each test.

                  When called in the scope of a test file, runs after each test in the file. When called inside a test.describe([title, details, callback]) group, runs after each test in the group.

                  You can access all the same Fixtures as the test body itself, and also the TestInfo object that gives a lot of useful information. For example, you can check whether the test succeeded or failed.

                  • test.afterEach(hookFunction)
                  • test.afterEach(title, hookFunction)


                  When multiple afterEach hooks are added, they will run in the order of their registration.

                  Playwright will continue running all applicable hooks even if some of them have failed.


                  // example.spec.ts
                  import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                  test.afterEach(async ({ page }) => {
                  console.log(`Finished ${} with status ${}`);

                  if ( !==
                  console.log(`Did not run as expected, ended up at ${page.url()}`);

                  test('my test', async ({ page }) => {
                  // ...

                  Alternatively, you can declare a hook with a title.

                  // example.spec.ts
                  test.afterEach('Status check', async ({ page }) => {
                  if ( !==
                  console.log(`Did not run as expected, ended up at ${page.url()}`);


                  • externalinner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any

                    Returns void


                  • beforeAll(inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
                  • beforeAll(title: string, inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
                  • Declares a beforeAll hook that is executed once per worker process before all tests.

                    When called in the scope of a test file, runs before all tests in the file. When called inside a test.describe([title, details, callback]) group, runs before all tests in the group.

                    You can use test.afterAll([title, hookFunction]) to teardown any resources set up in beforeAll.

                    • test.beforeAll(hookFunction)
                    • test.beforeAll(title, hookFunction)


                    When multiple beforeAll hooks are added, they will run in the order of their registration.

                    Note that worker process is restarted on test failures, and beforeAll hook runs again in the new worker. Learn more about workers and failures.

                    Playwright will continue running all applicable hooks even if some of them have failed.


                    // example.spec.ts
                    import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                    test.beforeAll(async () => {
                    console.log('Before tests');

                    test.afterAll(async () => {
                    console.log('After tests');

                    test('my test', async ({ page }) => {
                    // ...

                    Alternatively, you can declare a hook with a title.

                    // example.spec.ts
                    test.beforeAll('Setup', async () => {
                    console.log('Before tests');


                    • externalinner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any

                      Returns void


                    • afterAll(inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
                    • afterAll(title: string, inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
                    • Declares an afterAll hook that is executed once per worker after all tests.

                      When called in the scope of a test file, runs after all tests in the file. When called inside a test.describe([title, details, callback]) group, runs after all tests in the group.


                      When multiple afterAll hooks are added, they will run in the order of their registration.

                      Note that worker process is restarted on test failures, and afterAll hook runs again in the new worker. Learn more about workers and failures.

                      Playwright will continue running all applicable hooks even if some of them have failed.

                      • test.afterAll(hookFunction)
                      • test.afterAll(title, hookFunction)


                      test.afterAll(async () => {
                      console.log('Done with tests');
                      // ...

                      Alternatively, you can declare a hook with a title.

                      test.afterAll('Teardown', async () => {
                      console.log('Done with tests');
                      // ...


                      • externalinner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any

                        Returns void


                      • use(fixtures: Fixtures<{}, {}, PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures, PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): void
                      • Specifies options or fixtures to use in a single test file or a test.describe([title, details, callback]) group. Most useful to set an option, for example set locale to configure context fixture.


                        import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                        test.use({ locale: 'en-US' });

                        test('test with locale', async ({ page }) => {
                        // Default context and page have locale as specified


                        test.use can be called either in the global scope or inside test.describe. It is an error to call it within beforeEach or beforeAll.

                        It is also possible to override a fixture by providing a function.

                        import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

                        locale: async ({}, use) => {
                        // Read locale from some configuration file.
                        const locale = await fs.promises.readFile('test-locale', 'utf-8');
                        await use(locale);

                        test('test with locale', async ({ page }) => {
                        // Default context and page have locale as specified


                        • externalfixtures: Fixtures<{}, {}, PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures, PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                        Returns void


                      • extend<T, W>(fixtures: Fixtures<T, W, PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures, PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>): TestType<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & T, PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object & W>
                      • Extends the test object by defining fixtures and/or options that can be used in the tests.


                        First define a fixture and/or an option.

                        import { test as base } from '@playwright/test';
                        import { TodoPage } from './todo-page';

                        export type Options = { defaultItem: string };

                        // Extend basic test by providing a "defaultItem" option and a "todoPage" fixture.
                        export const test = base.extend<Options & { todoPage: TodoPage }>({
                        // Define an option and provide a default value.
                        // We can later override it in the config.
                        defaultItem: ['Do stuff', { option: true }],

                        // Define a fixture. Note that it can use built-in fixture "page"
                        // and a new option "defaultItem".
                        todoPage: async ({ page, defaultItem }, use) => {
                        const todoPage = new TodoPage(page);
                        await todoPage.goto();
                        await todoPage.addToDo(defaultItem);
                        await use(todoPage);
                        await todoPage.removeAll();

                        Then use the fixture in the test.

                        // example.spec.ts
                        import { test } from './my-test';

                        test('test 1', async ({ todoPage }) => {
                        await todoPage.addToDo('my todo');
                        // ...

                        Configure the option in config file.

                        // playwright.config.ts
                        import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
                        import type { Options } from './my-test';

                        export default defineConfig<Options>({
                        projects: [
                        name: 'shopping',
                        use: { defaultItem: 'Buy milk' },
                        name: 'wellbeing',
                        use: { defaultItem: 'Exercise!' },

                        Learn more about fixtures and parametrizing tests.

                        Type parameters

                        • T: {}
                        • W: {} = {}


                        • externalfixtures: Fixtures<T, W, PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures, PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object>

                          An object containing fixtures and/or options. Learn more about fixtures format.

                        Returns TestType<PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & T, PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object & W>


                      • info(): TestInfo
                      • Returns information about the currently running test. This method can only be called during the test execution, otherwise it throws.


                        test('example test', async ({ page }) => {
                        // ...
                        await'screenshot', {
                        body: await page.screenshot(),
                        contentType: 'image/png',

                        Returns TestInfo