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  • afterEach(inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void
  • afterEach(title: string, inner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any): void

  • Declares an afterEach hook that is executed after each test.

    When called in the scope of a test file, runs after each test in the file. When called inside a test.describe([title, details, callback]) group, runs after each test in the group.

    You can access all the same Fixtures as the test body itself, and also the TestInfo object that gives a lot of useful information. For example, you can check whether the test succeeded or failed.

    • test.afterEach(hookFunction)
    • test.afterEach(title, hookFunction)


    When multiple afterEach hooks are added, they will run in the order of their registration.

    Playwright will continue running all applicable hooks even if some of them have failed.


    // example.spec.ts
    import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

    test.afterEach(async ({ page }) => {
    console.log(`Finished ${} with status ${}`);

    if ( !==
    console.log(`Did not run as expected, ended up at ${page.url()}`);

    test('my test', async ({ page }) => {
    // ...

    Alternatively, you can declare a hook with a title.

    // example.spec.ts
    test.afterEach('Status check', async ({ page }) => {
    if ( !==
    console.log(`Did not run as expected, ended up at ${page.url()}`);


    • externalinner: (args: PlaywrightTestArgs & PlaywrightTestOptions & Omit<SerenityOptions, actors> & SerenityFixtures & PlaywrightWorkerArgs & PlaywrightWorkerOptions & object, testInfo: TestInfo) => any

    Returns void