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Serenity/JS is an innovative open-source framework designed to make acceptance and regression testing of complex software systems faster, more collaborative and easier to scale.

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Serenity/JS Mocha

@serenity-js/mocha contains an adapter you register with Mocha test runner to enable integration between Mocha and Serenity/JS.


Install Mocha version 8.x or newer:

npm install --save-dev mocha@8.x

Install the @serenity-js/mocha adapter, as well as @serenity-js/core and any Serenity/JS reporting modules you'd like to use, for example @serenity-js/console-reporter:

npm install --save-dev @serenity-js/core @serenity-js/console-reporter @serenity-js/mocha

Usage with standalone Mocha

To use Serenity/JS with standalone Mocha, for example to run tests of REST APIs, you'll need a setup file that configures Serenity/JS reporting services.


If you're writing your tests in JavaScript, create a setup.js file (for example under spec/support/setup.js, but you can use any location you like):

// spec/support/setup.js

{ ConsoleReporter } = require('@serenity-js/console-reporter'),
{ configure } = require('@serenity-js/core');

crew: [

Next, run Mocha as follows:

mocha --reporter=@serenity-js/mocha \
--require=spec/support/setup.js \


If you're writing your tests in TypeScript, you might want to run them via ts-node, which transpiles TypeScript in memory without you having to do it before every test run.

npm install --save-dev typescript ts-node

If you haven't done so already, configure your TypeScript transpiler via tsconfig.json:

"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2018",
"lib": ["es2018"],
"module": "commonjs"

Create a setup.ts file (for example under spec/support/setup.ts, but you can use any location you like):

// spec/support/setup.ts

import { ConsoleReporter } from '@serenity-js/console-reporter'
import { configure } from '@serenity-js/core'

crew: [

Next, run Mocha as follows:

mocha --reporter=@serenity-js/mocha \
--require=ts-node/register \
--require=spec/support/setup.ts \

Using Mocha configuration file

Please note that you can use .mocharc.yml configuration file to simplify your command line execution.

For example:

reporter: '@serenity-js/mocha'
- ts-node/register
- spec/support/setup.ts
check-leaks: false
timeout: 5000
v8-stack-trace-limit: 100
# ...other config

Configuring a custom requirements hierarchy root

reporter: '@serenity-js/mocha'
reporter-options: # Note: array, not an object
- 'specDirectory=e2e' # Configure custom requirements hierarchy root, such as "e2e"

Using Serenity/JS Mocha with Protractor

Configure your Protractor installation as per instructions in @serenity-js/protractor module.

Next, instruct Serenity/JS to run your tests using Mocha. You can also use your protractor.conf.js file to configure Mocha if needed:

// protractor.conf.js

exports.config = {
// Tell Protractor to use the Serenity/JS framework adapter
framework: 'custom',
frameworkPath: require.resolve('@serenity-js/protractor/adapter'),

serenity: {
runner: 'mocha', // Use Mocha
// ... other Serenity/JS-specific configuration

mochaOpts: {
// Custom requirements hierarchy root, optional
reporterOptions: [

// ... other Mocha-specific configuration

// ... other Protractor-specific configuration

Learn more about supported Mocha configuration options.

Using Serenity/JS Mocha with WebdriverIO

Configure your WebdriverIO installation as per instructions in @serenity-js/webdriverio module.

Next, instruct Serenity/JS to run your tests using Mocha. You can also use your wdio.conf.ts file to configure Mocha if needed:

// wdio.conf.ts

export const config = {
// Tell WebdriverIO to use the Serenity/JS framework adapter
framework: '@serenity-js/webdriverio',

// Serenity/JS configuration
serenity: {
// Configure Serenity/JS to use an appropriate test runner adapter
runner: 'mocha', // Use Mocha
// ... other Serenity/JS-specific configuration

mochaOpts: {
// Custom requirements hierarchy root, optional
reporterOptions: [

// ... other Mocha-specific configuration

// ... other Protractor-specific configuration

Learn more about supported Mocha configuration options.

Example projects

Study Serenity/JS example projects to learn more.

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New features, tutorials, and demos are coming soon! Follow Serenity/JS on LinkedIn, subscribe to Serenity/JS channel on YouTube and join the Serenity/JS Community Chat to stay up to date! Please also make sure to star ⭐️ Serenity/JS on GitHub to help others discover the framework!

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