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Current releases and compatibility

Node.js compatibility​

To help ensure optimal stability of your test scenarios, you should use a recent Long-Term Support (LTS) version of the Node.js platform.

Serenity/JS is tested with the latest versions of Node.js 18.12, 20, and 22. While non-LTS versions of Node.js may work, they are not officially supported and you should avoid using them in production environments.

Serenity/JS compatibility​

Serenity/JS helps you integrate your test automation framework with your favourite tools and libraries.

To make sure your Serenity/JS setup is up to date and you're using the right versions of the Serenity/JS modules, check the compatibility matrix below.

Serenity/JS ModulesCompatibility
PackageCurrent versionPackageCompatible versions
Core Modules
Web Testing
@serenity-js/playwright3.31.13playwright-core (required)~1.51.1
@serenity-js/protractor3.31.13protractor (required)^5.0.0
@serenity-js/webdriverio3.31.13@wdio/cli (required)^9.12.0
webdriverio (required)^9.12.0
@serenity-js/webdriverio-83.31.13@wdio/cli (required)^8.43.0
webdriverio (required)^8.43.0
REST API Testing
@serenity-js/rest3.31.13axios (direct)1.8.4
@serenity-js/local-server3.31.13@hapi/hapi (optional)^21.4.0
express (optional)^4.21.2
koa (optional)^2.16.0
restify (optional)^11.1.0
@serenity-js/serenity-bdd3.31.13axios (direct)1.8.4
Test Runners
@serenity-js/cucumber3.31.13@cucumber/cucumber (optional)^7.3.2
cucumber (optional)^1.3.3
@serenity-js/jasmine3.31.13jasmine (required)^5.6.0
@serenity-js/mocha3.31.13mocha (required)^10.8.2
@serenity-js/playwright-test3.31.13@playwright/test (required)~1.51.1

Updating Serenity/JS​

To learn how to keep your Serenity/JS project up-to-date, check out the Updating Serenity/JS guide.