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Configuration object that will be passed to the JasmineRunner.

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specDir?: string

Spec dir is used as a prefix for all spec files and helpers


helpers?: string[]

A list of paths to helper files that should be loaded and executed before the requires and the specs. Accepts relative and absolute paths as well as glob expressions.

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requires?: string[]

A list of paths to files that should be required after the helpers, but before the specs. The paths need to be compatible with Node require.


random?: boolean

Whether or not the tests should be executed in a pseudo-random order.


grep?: string | RegExp

Used to exclude any test scenarios which name doesn't match the pattern from the run.


invertGrep?: boolean

Inverts 'grep' matches, defaults to false


specFilter?: (specName: string) => boolean

Receives the full name of a test scenario and returns true for those that should be executed.

Takes precedence over grep.

Type declaration

    • (specName: string): boolean
    • Parameters

      • externalspecName: string

      Returns boolean


seed?: string

The randomisation seed that will be used to determine the pseudo-random order of execution, if random is set to true


defaultTimeoutInterval?: number

Sets the global jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL, which defines the default number of milliseconds Jasmine will wait for an asynchronous spec to complete.

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reporters?: JasmineReporter[]

A list of Jasmine reporters to be added to the test runner.

Useful for situations like configuring ReportPortal, because you cannot use jasmine.addReporter() in the Protractor config.

Note: reporters must be instantiated before adding them to the configuration.

Using ReportPortal with Protractor and Jasmine

// protractor.conf.js
const AgentJasmine = require('@reportportal/agent-js-jasmine')
const agent = new AgentJasmine(require('./reportportalConf'))
// ...
jasmineNodeOpts: {
// ...
reporters: [ agent.getJasmineReporter() ],

afterLaunch:() => {
return agent.getExitPromise();