Core Modules@serenity-js/assertionsExpectationsorexternalor Callableor<Actual_Type>(...expectations: Expectation<Actual_Type>[]): Expectation<Actual_Type>Creates an expectation that is met when at least one of the expectations is met for the given actual value. Use or to combine several expectations using logical "or", Combining several expectationsimport { actorCalled } from '@serenity-js/core'import { Ensure, or, startsWith } from '@serenity-js/assertions'await actorCalled('Ester').attemptsTo( Ensure.that('Hello World!', or(startsWith('Hello'), startsWith('Hi'))),)Type parametersActual_TypeParametersexternalrest...expectations: Expectation<Actual_Type>[]Returns Expectation<Actual_Type>
Creates an expectation that is met when at least one of the
is met for the given actual value.Use
to combine several expectations using logical "or",Combining several expectations